If you’ve read up on the most popular natural treatments for minimizing signs of skin aging and damage, chances are you’ve heard about platelet-rich plasma (PRP). But have you heard about platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)? Here’s what you should know about PRF, how treatments work, and what you can expect to determine if this natural effective …

If you’ve read up on the most popular natural treatments for minimizing signs of skin aging and damage, chances are you’ve heard about platelet-rich plasma (PRP). But have you heard about platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)?

Here’s what you should know about PRF, how treatments work, and what you can expect to determine if this natural effective skin care treatment is right for you.

What Is Platelet-Rich Fibrin?

Like PRP, PRF is a concentrated, fibrin biomaterial derived from whole blood. Some refer to the substance as a “second-generation PRP” because it’s remarkably high in autologous healing platelets, cytokines, and leukocytes – all of which are components of the immune system and crucial elements of the injury-healing process.

Unlike PRP, PRF also contains stem cells with high regenerative potential, which can help accelerate tissue healing, reverse signs of damage, stimulate collagen production, and give the skin a more youthful, supple, firm appearance.

Benefits of PRF Treatments

PRF can benefit aging or damaged skin in several ways, including:

  • Firming and tightening sagging or loose skin
  • Plumping and lightening the skin beneath the eyes
  • Evening out skin tone and smoothing skin texture
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimizing the appearance of dark spots and acne scarring

PRF can also be used to help restore or enhance and overall hair fullness. Aside from aesthetic procedures, providers are using PRF to stimulate healing and cell regeneration in a wide variety of applications, including dental treatments, wound care, and more.

How Do PRF Treatments Work?

PRF is extracted from whole blood through a process called centrifugation, which spins samples of whole blood at high speeds to separate out its various cellular components.

During the first part of your appointment, your provider will collect a blood sample (typically from a vein in your arm). They’ll then process that sample to separate out the PRF and prepare the PRF for injection or topical application alongside microneedling.

Depending on your needs and treatment goals, your provider may combine PRF injections with other cosmetic injectables to give your skin more volume and help minimize laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles.

You’ll need to have a consultation prior to getting the treatment, during which you’ll discuss your goals with your provider, so they can create a customized treatment plan that caters to your needs.

How Long Do PRF Results Last?

Treatment with platelet-rich fibrin typically involves a series of sessions spaced six to eight weeks apart for best results. You’ll likely notice improvements in the appearance of your skin within a month or two of your first session, and if you undergo repeat treatments, those results will continue improving over time.

Final results can last up to a year, depending on your unique biology and any other injectables or topical treatments you have administered alongside the PRF.

For more info schedule at free consult here or call 281-853-8558.

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